FTP - one of the oldest application protocols: it appeared long before even HTTP and TCP / IP, back in 1971, and is widely used so far. It is carried out via FTP to upload files to remote resources. Our cloud server also supports the popular and familiar to many users a way to upload files. In this article we will talk about the features of the c repository by FTP, as well as give instructions for configuring the most common FTP-client: FileZilla, WinSCP, FAR Manager, Total Commander, Midnight Commander, Cyberduck.
General Recommendations:
• Use passive mode;
• Use the binary transfer mode;
• For correct display of Cyrillic names of files, use UTF-8 encoding;
• Always check downloaded files by size and / or checksum.
• Connecting and Configuring Access
Connecting to the storage via FTP at the address ftp://ftp.yoursite.com. For safety reasons, we recommend to connect via FTP does not use the master account, and create a separate (optional) user.
Selecting Connection
The main difference from other FTP protocol is to use secondary connections to transfer files. When connecting via FTP creates a so-called control connection, which is transmitted via the protocol commands and responses. To transfer files or a list of files and directories, the client first sends commands via a control connection, and then create a data connection. This connection can be created in two modes: active and passive.
In active mode, the client tells the server address and port, to which one must perform a secondary connection. In most cases, this mode will not work if the client to access the Internet using the broadcast network name (NAT) and does not have a public IP address.
In passive mode, on the contrary, the server tells the client address and port for the secondary connection. This mode operates in almost all cases, and is preferred.
Selecting Data Transmission
Data transfer via FTP is carried out in two basic modes: text (sometimes called mode ASCII) and binary. These modes are specified FTP-command TYPE A and TYPE I, respectively.
When sending text mode often have problems. They are connected with the fact that different operating systems use different end of line characters. Microsoft Windows for example uses a CR + LF (carriage return and line feed), while Unix-like systems, including Linux and MacOS X - only LF, and MacOS traditional system (MacOS 9 and older) - only CR. According to RFC 959 to all files when transferring files via FTP as a symbol of the end of the line, use CR + LF.
When transferring a file to the server the client must bring them into the proper form in accordance with the requirements of the system used: If you are using Windows, you do not removed; if you are using * nix-systems - removes extra CR, and if you are using older versions of MacOS - extra LF.
Similar operations are carried out and when downloading files from the server: the server causes line endings to the form CR + LF, and the client after receiving the file removes extra end.
When the client and server are running different operating systems, transfer files change. Therefore, the text mode is not suitable for the transmission of files with random characters - for example, images or video; they will be damaged in the future will not be read at all.
Binary mode transfers files unchanged. When working with the cloud storage via FTP is strongly recommended that you use it.
To correctly display the Cyrillic filenames is recommended to use UTF-8 encoding.